
Here you can see some of the talks given by scientists from CeMiSt. The dissemination language varies between English and Danish.

Microbes on the Microphone - Science and Beers


At a couple of Science and Beers events, in Copenhagen and Odense,, former CeMiSt PhD, now Villum PostDoc, Nathalie Eiris Henriksen presented the work behind her award winning presentation at "Forskerfesten". Giving the audience a guided tours in the kingdom of Microbes, from the origin of life on earth to corona and politics..  See the show from Odense from September 27th. 2024. 

Kunsten at lytte til mikroorganismernes samtaler


First in a line of talks in the exhibition series "Architecture Connecting" Nathalie E Henriksen was invited to give a talk about the art of listening to the conversation of microorganisms. 

In a sold out lecture room she gave an engaging lecture on the fascinating interactions of microorganisms and their environment. 

The talk was part of Louisiana Lectures.

Nathalie sejrede i Ph.d. Cup 2024


Der er bakterier i alt, og de findes alle steder. Faktisk kan man påstå, at vi som menneske er mere bakterie end menneske, og bakteriers betydning er enorm. Derfor er det også vigtigt, at vi forstår dem og deres sprog. Det gør os samtidig klogere på sygdomme, forklarede Nathalie Eiris Henriksen, der på de tre minutter også redegjorde for, hvordan hun i forbindelse med sin ph.d. har oprettet sit eget økosystem – en slags algebibliotek.

Nathalie Eiris Henriksen formidlede sin forskning fængslende og præcist foran publikum, dommere og seere og vandt Forskerfesten 2024 og gik hjem med 50.000 kroner. 

Bakteriernes fantastiske egenskaber

De er usynlige for det blotte øje, men de er overalt og lever på, med og i alle levende organismer: BAKTERIER! 🦠
Nogle bakterier er uundværlige for livet, mens andre kan være dødelige. Selvom de virker enkle, lever de i komplekse samfund, kommunikerer med hinanden og producerer avancerede molekyler som antibiotika. Bakterier er afgørende for alt liv på jorden, da de både nedbryder og opbygger organisk materiale.  
Mange brugte søndag eftermiddag sammen med de fascinerende bakterier, da Lone Gram, professor i mikrobiologi (DTU) holdt foredrag i Kulturhuset Islands Brygge.

The search for new antibiotics


Antibiotic resistance is a significant threat to human health, and according to the World Health Organisation, 700.000 people die due to infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria every year. In 2050, that number could increase to 10 million per year.

In this video, professor Lone Gram and associate professor Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia from The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), set out to explain their addition to the efforts of finding novel antibiotics, as more and more bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics that we know and use today.
Their work has been funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark and the Danish National Research Foundation.

Lone Gram talks about bringing EMBL and Danish science together.


DANEMO is a communication platform and research support initiative launched by DANDRITE at Aarhus University. It aims to encourage scientists in Denmark to engage with EMBL and EMBO. The DANEMO symposium from 3-4 November in Aarhus focused on raising awareness of the new EMBL programme ‘Molecules to Ecosystems’.

Lone Gram conducts research on bacterial eco-physiology and biotechnology at the Technical University of Denmark. In her center of excellence, Center for Microbial Secondary Metabolites, CeMiSt, she and her colleagues are interested in how certain molecules mediate interactions within bacterial communities and between bacteria and other organisms. She sees immense value in facilitating connections between the Danish scientific community and closer contact with EMBL and EMBO.

Bakterier i hverdagen


Professor Lone Gram fra DTU fortæller om vores liv med bakterierne:

  • Hvordan de optræder i vores hverdag
  • Hvordan vi på den ene side dyrker og udnytter dem og på den anden forhindrer dem i at vokse