Recent Preprints

Christiansen JV, Jarmusch SA, Vertot M, Frisvad J, Andersen AJC, MolNetInvert: A Tool for Creating Metadata Based Molecular Networks and Their Applications in Large Microbial Datasets. ChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-q4dpr

Hansen ML, Kordatos KIT, Nørgaard JJK, Jørgensen JPB, Strube ML, Schostag MD, Yang L, Jelsbak L, Genetic memory devices to detect specialized metabolites in soil microbiomes bioRχiv

Jarmusch SA, Schostag MD, Yang Z, Wang J, Anderson AJC, Weber T, Ding L, Secondary metabolites shape Streptomyces-Streptomyces interaction: Mass Spectrometry Imaging reveals lydicamycins broadly induce sporulation, bioRχiv

Lum KY, Kumar R, Yang Z, Souza LDO, Jarmusch SA, Moreira JMA, Morth JP, Ding L Discovery and Biosynthesis of Nyuzenamides D and E by Genome Mining in Streptomyces hygroscopicus, ACS Chemical Biology, bioRxiv

Smahajcsik D, Roager L, Strube ML, Zhang S, Gram L, Potential probiotic aquaculture microbiomes: detecting inhibition of the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum by a complex algal communitybioRχiv

Stannius RO,  Kovács AT, Plipastatin is a shared good by Bacillus subtilis during combating Fusarium spp, bioRxiv

Stefanic P, Stare E, Floccari VA, Kovac J, Hertel R, Rocha U, Kovács ÁT, Mandic-Mulec I, Strube ML, Dragoš A, Ecology of prophage-like elements in Bacillus subtilis at global and local geographical scalebioRxiv

Song L,  Nuhamunada M,  Weber T,   Kovacs AT, Unlocking the biosynthetic potential of Paenibacilli through a genus-wide exploration of gene clusters for secondary metabolite production bioRχiv

Sun X, Xu Z, Hu G, Xie J, Li Y, Tao L, Zhang N, Xun W, Miao Y, Zhang R, Shen Q, Kovács ÁT, Interspecies interaction reshapes the fitness landscape of evolved genotypesbioRxiv